Finished Session 1

I finally finished session one, only 10 more treatments left... Only I say.  Well I learned my iron levels went up and I gained 2 pounds.  As you all are aware I am not allowed to lose weight.  I still don’t have much of an appetite but when I get hungry I make sure I eat and I eat till I can’t take in any more food.  Might not always be the healthiest but it’s food.
Today’s treatment I had the honor of having my husband come, poor guy almost passed out while the Dr. was talking to me, I had to mend him back to health before I could settle to receive treatment.  I have never seen him so white.  If you look at our picture you would think we had a feast but that was mostly to get his sugar back up.
If you know anything about chemo it’s so boring. Thank goodness for movies and music, this round I really dug into my “chemo bag” and used everything this go around.  I did a sticker book, crossword puzzle, and even worked on my crochet.  I have learned I need wireless headphones, that will be my next purchase for this bag, with all the medical cords hooked into me I kept getting twisted and Joshua had to help me get lose.  If you have any other ideas of activities I can do sitting please share, I’m running out of things and this is only session 1.

Well my counts were up and I got the green light. Everything was smooth till the last bag.  Once again I broke out into hives in different areas and had Joshua check before I called my nurse over.  She stopped the treatment and talked to the Dr.  They agreed to continue because this is an important medicine that can’t be switch.  So going forward I will be receiving Benadryl and will always have to have a driver.  I am such a light weight that I have sleered words like I just finished a 6 pack.  The nurse asked me a question and answered a whole different questions, I think the nurses like me because I keep things entertaining.  
The nurse told me that they are still laughing about something I said last week.  Glad I can be memorable.

Well, here’s to fingers crossed that we don’t run into anymore hiccups and we can be on our every other week treatment schedule.

Thank you again to everyone who sends positive vibes and adds me to their prayers. Y’all make me stronger.