Chemo 2.2

Well here we are 2 complete treatments in, man who would of thought I would be here.   I can’t say treatments have been easy, they actually have been getting worse and hard to deal with. The side affects have to be the worse - the hives, waiting for my tongue to swell, watching my hair come out and just being in a fog.  I hate not being in the moment and not being able to do as I would normally for my family sucks.
Well enough about my complaints.  So once again my counts are low but my Dr. doesn’t want to skip treatment because I may just be that patient that will never get high counts.  There is an alternative - he could give me this injections but the affects of the injection are worse than having low counts so we are just hoping I don’t get sick.  To avoid getting sick I have become a freak about keeping my hands clean.  I seriously carry a full size bottle of hand sanitizer and GermX wipes with me every where I go.  I have become a big hermit and don’t leave the house unless I have too.  That probably is the hardest thing to adjustment too, because if you know me I am always on the go.  

Just Me
I posted a picture of me, yes this is me receiving treatment, this is my life.  I feel like I’m charging my body with poison, I’m that cell phone that needs to be charged to work.  This is what I do for 5 hours every other Friday, during the last 2 hours I go into a complete fog because they have to pump me full of Benadryl so I don’t break out into hives.  But instead of hives this go around my legs started to jump because my body wanted me that go to sleep but my head was like you’re not tired so I had to deal with jumping legs.

Positive Note
This Friday I will be going back for a PET scan.  My Dr is hoping that we do not see any active lymphoma, but there still is a little worry because the cough is back.  Hopefully this is just me healing and nothing more serious.  I will get my results next Friday and will keep everyone posted.

Thank you
I just want to say thank you, to everyone who has donated to the go fund me page my aunt & cousin set up.  It was such a surprise to know so many people care.  Also, to everyone who has sent cards, gifts and just a simple text saying they are thinking of me... it really means a lot to know I have such an amazing support system.  You guys really do help make this process a little easier.