No Chemo

Well here we are, my Rockstar support team ready to kick session 3/round 5.  Yep, that is my oldest son Bodie.  He wanted to see what his mom goes through every other week.  At first I was uncomfortable with him going but after talking to Joshua, he made me see that this might help him understand a bit more.  So we arrived to the Dr ready to get this session started, only to find out that my counts were low and chemo was NO GO. 
So instead of Bodie being able to watch me receive treatment, I walked him around the chemo room where he was able to see others getting treatment. I do believe that gave him a taste of reality.  

Positive News
I was given good news today, my treatment is working. Wasn’t able to see my scan but will ask to see on my next visit.

Thank You
Again, I can’t thank everyone enough for their donations, gifts, kind words, and prayers! You all have really been AMAZING!